Year 6 Class

Autumn Term 1


Year 6 SATS 2023

Week beginning 16th October 2023 

Maths: With Mrs Anderson we have finished our work on short and long division and have moved on to looking at multi-step word problems and the order of operations. With Mrs Walker, we have begun our new topic on converting units which includes working with both imperial and metric measurements. 

English: We have been working on writing our own biographies the life and work of Mary Seacole as part of our innovate stage. We are now working on our own biographies and have begun researching inspirational people to write about. 

RE: In RE we have been continuing to look at being a follower of Christ. We have created advertisements, looked at the story of Levi and thought about the challenges being a follower may bring. 

Other: We have had a very exciting week and had the opportunity to meet with our Reception buddies. The Year 6 children wrote letters to their new friends to introduce themselves, give advice for their school careers and make 'buddy promises' promising to always look after and care for them. A lovely start to some great new friendships, well done Year 6. 

Week beginning 2nd October 2023

Maths: With Mrs Walker we have been completing our Place Value topic, ordering and rounding integers and looking at negative numbers. Mrs Anderson has been looking at short and long division strategies.

English: In VIPERS we have been continuing to work on 'Freedom'. We had a class debate about the statement 'We have enough food for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed', and created a class poem based on this. We have started looking at biographies based on Black History Month. We started by looking at the achievements of Usain Bolt.

RE: We looked at the Ten Commandments and thought about how they are relevant to Christians today. We are starting our new unit ' Followers of Christ'.

Other: We have been feeling festive, very early. We have been creating our Christmas cards that many families love to share. Look out for these in bags towards the end of the week.

Week beginning 25th September 2023: 

Maths: With Mrs Anderson we have started practising our long and short multiplication stategies. We began by refreshing our memories and using 4 by 1 digit calculations before moving on to 4 by 2 digit calculations. We have been applying our skills to word problems and growing in confidence everyday. 

English: In English we have continued to work on our class text 'Freedom' and have been using speech punctuation to move our story along. We have lots to remember when using speech punctuation so we will be revisiting this frequently throughout the year. 

RE: In RE we have been thinking about why The 10 Commandments are important and exploring their meaning. Last Friday the children attended a Sacramental preparation mass with Year 3. We were so proud of how Year 6 conducted themselves in mass, showing themselves to be excellent role models for the younger children at school. This week we have also begun preparing for Harvest festival and have been considering those that often go without food . We have been carefully considering the question "Is there enough food in the world for everyone?". 

Other: The children are patiently waiting to meet their Reception buddies and have enjoyed some playtime together to get to know one another. It was a very exciting experience for all and the Year 6 children love reminiscing about their time in Reception. They couldn't believe how small the equipment and playground felt. 

Week beginning 18th September 2023: 

Maths: With Mrs Walker we have continued to develop our place value skills, we have been reading and writing numbers to 10,000,000 and working with powers of 10. With Mrs Anderson we have been looking at square and cubed numbers before moving onto written multiplication methods (4 by 2 digit numbers). 

English: In English we have continued to work with our class text 'Freedom'. This week we are working on our written dialogue, using speech marks and punctuation to explore the thoughts and feelings of the characters. 

RE: In RE we have begun to explore different Bible stories to better understand key characters and relationships that make up the Old Testament. 

Other: We have been thinking about democracy in PSHE and have enjoyed listening to eachothers speeches and manifestos for key school roles. We have celebrated our friends strengths and achievements and appointed 4 new house captains, 4 sports captains and 2 members of our student council. Mrs Williams was SO impressed with our head pupil speeches that she needed a little bit more time to appoint 2 new head pupils. Well done Year 6! 

Week beginning 11th September 2023:

Maths: With Mrs Walker we have been looking at the place value of numbers to 10,000,000 using place value grids and recognising the value of different digits. With Mrs Anderson we have been looking at addition and subtraction strategies, factors and multiples.

English: We have started reading a new whole class text 'Freedom' by Catherine Johnson and a new 'Talk for writing unit'. We are working on the 'imitation' phase. This week we have considered how Catherine Johnson has used 1st person to engage the reader, expanded noun phrases to make sure the images are clear and deepening our understanding of the characters.

RE: We have started a new unit thinking about 'The Story of the People of God'. We considered how the Bible is organised and is a library made of many books written in many styles.

Other: We have started our Maafa topic. Maafa is Swahili for 'the great tradegy'. We have started by looking at Africa and the countries that make up this continent.

Week beginning Monday 4th September 2023:

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 5th September. 

Autumn Term 2



Week beginning 13th December 2023

Maths: In maths we have been busy finishing off our first fractions unit with Mrs Anderson. We have completed our work on adding and subtracting fractions and are preparing to move on to multiplying and dividing. With Mrs Walker, we have started to look at calculating angles within a range of different shapes. 

English: In English we have continued our work on 'Pig Heart Boy' and started to look at creating our own newspaper reports on Xenotransplantaion. This week we are finishing our class write before starting to plan our own newspaper reports. 

RE: In RE we have contined to work on our Advent unit and have been considering ways to prepare for Jesus' second coming. 

Other: We were so proud of the way the children performed in our Christmas play, their last one at St Augustine's. The children sang, spoke and acted their hearts out and made us all smile from start to finish. Well done Year 6! 

Week beginning 20th November 2023 

Maths: In maths this week we have been continuing our unit on shape with Mrs Walker. We have been using protractors to measure angles and talking about the rules for working out angles without a protractor. With Mrs Anderson we have continued our work on fractions, adding and subtracting with fractions.

English: In English we have continued to work on our class text 'Pig Heart Boy'. We have been using our knowledge of creating narratives that we have looked at this term and been planning and writing our own alternative 6th chapter.

RE: In RE we have looked at different prayers and been considering the features of psalms in preparation for writing our own next week. 

Other: On Monday 2 local magistrates visited us and taught us about the magistrates court, linked to our British Values, the rule of law and democracy. We took part in a role play court case. It was a really interesting and fun way to spend our morning. 

We are looking forward to seeing many of you on Friday for our Christmas decoration day!

Week beginning 13th November 2023 

Maths: In maths this week we have started a new unit on shape with Mrs Walker. The unit began with skills around the identification, classification and measuring of angles. With Mrs Anderson we have continued our work on fractions, looking at how to find equivalents, how to order and how to simplify to answer questions. 

English: In English we have continued to work on our class text 'Pig Heart Boy'. The children have been looking specifically at the characters this week and have written diary entries from different perspectives. By the end of the week we will have planned and written our own chapters, using all characterisation skills we have learnt so far. 

RE: In RE we have continued to consider the followers of Christ and how they would have made significant sacrifices to answer their callings. 

Other: This week we have been raising awareness about bullying as part of Anti-Bullying week. The key message for 2023 is 'let's make a noise about bullying' with the children considering what that message means. Year 6 have participated in some excellent discussions around the topic of bullying, understanding the importance of seeking help for themselves or for others if they ever feel unsafe or unhappy. 

Week beginning 6th November 2023 

Maths: With Mrs Anderson we have been starting our work on fractions. With Mrs Walker, we have completed our topic on converting units of imperial and metric measurements. 

English: We have started a new talk for writing narrative unit. We have started a new book, 'Pig Heart Boy' by Malorie Blackman. It was lovely to see some of you in our writing session on Monday afternoon.

RE: In RE we have completed our unit 'Followers of Jesus'. We researched different Martyrs and presented information in groups.

Other: We have been continuing our Maafa topic thinking about the perspective of the people on the slave ships. We have started a new French unit thinking about the things we can do.

Spring Term 1


Week beginning 05th February 2024

Maths: With Mrs Anderson we have begun our new topic on position and direction and looking at the quadrants. With Mrs Walker we have continued to look at ratio and, in particular, scale drawings.

English: In English we have begun our work on a poem called 'The dreadful meanance.' We have been looking at figurative language and how it impacts the poem and its meaning. 

RE: In RE we have been busy preparing for Confirmation and thinking about how we will use our gifts of The Holy Spirit to support us in our lives. 

Other: On Tuesday it was safer internet day which was based around the theme "Inspriring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online." 

Week beginning 29th January 2024

Maths: Mrs Walker has continued her work on ratio and Mrs Anderson is approaching the end of her unit on Algebra. We will complete our end of unit assessment this week and see much we all know. 

English: We are continuing to work on Floodland and beginning to plan and write chapter which contains an important conversation between two of the main characters. We are focusing on setting out dialogue correctly and integrating the back stories of our characters. 

RE: This week we have had a visit from Father Kevin to further prepare us for Confirmation next week. We have been finishing off our writing about our chosen Saints and produced some beautiful art work ready to be displayed in church. 

Other: We have had our penultimate swimming lesson this week and we have been so impressed the progress the children have made. Well done everyone! 


Week beginning 22nd January 2024

Maths: Mrs Walker has started a new maths unit on ratio, using the language of ratio. Mrs Anderson has continued with her unit on algebra and year 6 have been working on 1 step equations.

English: We are continuing to work on the book 'Floodland'. We have looked at the key characteristics of this narrative style, creating a writers toolkit to help us write our own alternative narrative. We boxed up a plan of a familiar chapter and have continued chapter 4, developing an argument between two characters.

RE: In preparation for Confirmation in a couple of weeks we have been considering the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, thinking about how we will use them in our future lives.

Other: We have been creating some art work based on our chosen saints that will be up in St. Francis Church in the coming weeks. We hope lots of you are able to enjoy them.


Week beginning 15th January 2024

Maths: With Mrs Walker we have continued our work on drawing shapes accurately including drawing sides and angles to given measurements. With Mrs Anderson we have continued our work on Algebra looking specifically at aspects like form expressions, substitution and formulae. 

English: In English we have finished off our 'Build the Kingdom' work and our study of Joseph. We have looked at the important role Joseph played in the Christmas story and written a 'talk show' style interview to ask questions about how he would have felt. We have then moved on to look at inspirational people in 2024, researching and learning about those that use the gospel values to make the world a better place for us all. 

RE: In RE this week we have begun preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. We have looked at the 7 sacraments indivually and compared Baptism and Confirmation. We are beginning to understand the important role of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation. 

Other: We have begun our work on a new Geography topic called 'Frozen Kingdoms' a very appropriate topic for the current temperatures and weather! 


Week Beginning 9th January 2024

Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas holiday!

Maths: With Mrs Walker we have been working on circles, calculating radius, diameter and circumference. With Mrs Anderson we are starting a new maths topic on Algebra.

English: We have read the first chapter of a new book which we are going to look at this term 'Floodland' by Marcus Sedgewick. The rest of our English has been linked to our RE work.

RE: We have been looking at different versions of the Christmas story from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. We have focussed on the character of Joseph and have been thinking about his role and feelings during this time.

Other: The children have loved going on their first swimming session of the year. 

Spring Term 2

Group 1 and 2 spellings
Week beginning 18.03.24

After a fun (but exhausting) week at Hilston Park last week we are all back to earth with a bang this week. 

Maths: We have been completing our work on statistics which has involved interpreting and creating pie charts and calculating mean averages. We have our end of unit assessment this week too. 

English: In English this week we have been working on some writing about Holy Week, we have also written a letter to Chris at Hilston to talk about the amazing time we had on our residential. 

RE: We have been considering the question "is seeing really believing?" and considered if Thomas was right to doubt that Jesus had risen. The children had some great ideas about this and we had a mini-debate to outline our points before reflecting on our personal opinions. 

Other: We have been working hard in our DT topic with Ms Kalisz this half term and have taken on the role of engineers. We have used our problem solving skills and knowledge of mathematics and engineering to desgin and create our own bridges. 

Week beginning 11.03.24

What an amazing time we are having at our residential at Hilston Park. Keep an eye on twitter for a few photos and we will let you know when our Hilston assembly will be so that you can come and hear all about it :) 


Week beginning 19.02.24

Welcome back! What a wonderful first few weeks of Spring we had in Year 6 packed full of swimming, Confirmation preparation and partying! We are very much looking forward to this half term and our upcoming residential to Hilston Park in a few weeks time. 

Maths: With Mrs Walker we have been finishing off our unit on ratio. With Mrs Anderson we are beginning to look at the skills of translation and reflection. 

English: Just before half term we began working on a poem called "The Dreadful Menace". This week we have been using our inovation skills and using our figuartive language to change the verses to be about Springtime. 

RE: We have begun our work on Lent this week. We enjoyed a visit from Father Hudson's Care, a Social Care Agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham whose aim is to offer help and support to people in need. 

Other: We had an exciting morning at Ryton Sports Connexion on Wednesday morning taking part in the Coventry and Warwickshire School Sport Partnership, Sports Hall athletics event.

Summer Term 1

Group 1-Spelling-list-3

Group 2-Spelling-list-4

Week beginning 20.05

The last week of our penultimate half term at St Augustine's - where has the time gone!! 

English: In English this week we have continued to work on our class text 'Letters from the lighthouse' in guided reading. We have begun writing our persuasive holiday brochures about Devon and have enjoyed searching for 'magpie words' we can use to make our writing even better. We produced some amazing descriptive sentences using words like idyllic, spectacular and sun-drenched. 

RE: This week we have begun to look at Pentecost and the imagery used to describe the Holy Spirit in St John's Gospel and The Acts of The Apostles. 

Other: As part of our music lessons we have begun to learn the songs for our Y6 performance and taken part in auditions for key roles. Look out for scripts in bags at the end of the week! :) 

Week beginning 13.05.24 

This week we have been busy with SATs week. The children have been amazing and taken the week in their stride with big smiles on their faces. 

We are very much looking forward to our 'Fun day' on Friday to relax and reflect on a good week which enabled us to show off all of our skills! Well done Year 6! :) 

Week beginning 29.04.24

Maths: This week we have been revising adding and subtracting fractions with Ms Kalisz. With Mrs Anderson we have been finishing off our unit on fractions, percentages and decimals by finding percentages of amounts and missing values. 

English: In English this week we have finished off our Devonshire ghost stories and have been working hard on revising lots of our grammar concepts. We have been looking at formal and informal vocabulary this week and how to use standard English. 

RE: After finishing our art work on Mary, we have begun to look at why and how the Church celebrates Mary at different times of the year. We have also begun to consider what 'Heaven' means to us through creative writing and acrostic poetry. 

Other: We have been having great fun creating in our "Make, Mend and Do" projects, look out for our finished pieces over the next couple of weeks! 

Week beginning 22.04.24

Maths: With Ms Kalisz we have finished our unit on area and perimeter and completed our end of unit assessment. With Mrs Anderson we have started to look in more detail about percentages and percentages of amounts. 

English: This week we have continued writing our Devonshire ghost stories based on the tale of "Hairy Hands". The children have been working hard to create tension and atmosphere through careful word choices and sentence lengths. 

RE: We have begun to look at the lives of Mary and The Saints. The children have created some beautiful art work - look out for this in our new art gallery. 

Other: Children have recieved their accelerated reader logins this week to complete assessments at home. Look out for these on the back of their bookmarks. 

Week beginning 08.04.24

Happy Easter! 

Maths: With Ms Kalisz we have been looking at area and perimeter and the formulas associated with each. With Mrs Anderson we have been looking at Fractions, decimals and percentages and how we can find equivalents. 

English: We have started to read our new text 'letters from the lighthouse' and written a formal and informal missing persons report for one of the characters - Sukie. 

RE: We have continued to look at the story of Thomas doubting Jesus and written letters as Thomas explaining the reasons for his doubts. We thought about if our reactions would have been similar to Thomas'. 

Other: We began our topic on WW2 and one of the children brought in an authentic gas mask and helmet to share with the children. We have also been working on our new DT topic "make, mend and do". 

Summer Term 2

Week beginning 10.06.24

This week we have been busy rehearsing our end of year play 'Cinderella & Rockerfella'. We are trying to work out a way to send home all of the songs to practise so keep an eye on your emails. 

English: This week we have been continuing to work on our persuasive writing but this time taking on the role of estate agents. We have been looking at persuasive techniques and language in our imitation model and will begin to plan our own innovation. 

RE: In RE we have been continuing to look at Pentecost - we've created some beautiful art work which will be on display in the corridor. 

Other: We were pleased to welcome Anne from HSBC into school this week to talk about fraud and keeping ourselves safe. The children asked lots of great questions and were really engaged in the talk. 


Week beginning 03.06.24

This week we have had a great start to the week with our Bikeability training. Some of the children have been learning how to navigate the roads of Kenilworth under the watchful eye of our instructors. More information about Bikeability can be found here: Cycle Training for Everyone - Deliver Safer Training | Bikeability

RE: In RE we have begun our topic on Pentecost, we have been interviewing each other about how the followers of Jesus would have felt at this time. 

English: In English we have been working on finishing our travel brochures about Devon. We have produced some amazing persuasive writing - you would be so impressed! 

Other: In more exciting news, we finally have our parts for our end of Year 6 play - Cinderella, Rockerfella. A big thank you and well done to the children who auditioned for parts, you were so brave and confident!