Year 4 Class

Autumn Term 1

Maths: This week we are practicing column subtraction and addition. 

English:This week we are writing poems based on Recipes.

RE: This week we have learnt about different ways to pray silently. 


Maths: This week we are practicing column subtraction. 

English:This week we are writing news paper reports about Marcus Rashford.

RE: This week we have learnt about the story Mary and Martha. 

Topic: This week we learnt about Sutton Hoo. 


Maths: This week we are learning about exchange in addition and subtraction. 

English: This week we are writing a newspaper report about Ella Fitzgerald the very talented Jazz singer. 

RE: This week we are learning about the meaning of the Our Father prayer. 

Topic: This week we have learnt about life in an Anglo-Saxon village. 


Maths: This week we are starting our new unit on addition and subtraction. 

English: This week we are free writing our own stories. 

RE: This week we are learning about how Jesus grew up following the Jewish Religion. 

Topic: This week we are learning about the Anglo-Saxon invasions and the seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. 


Maths: This week we are doing rounding to the neast 10s,100s and 1000s.

English: This week we are writing our own version of the Iron Man!

RE: This week we have explored the emotions of Josephs brothers. 


Maths: This week we are estimating points on a number line to 10,000. Also we are comparing numbers to 10,000 looking at greater than and less than. 

English: We are developing our writers tool kit by adding both apperance and action in sentences about characters, and also practicing using inverted commas in our writing. 

RE: This week we have started learning about the story of Joseph. 

Topic: We have learnt about the different invasions in England from 410 AD and 1100 AD.


Maths: This week we have been learning about Place Value to 10,000.

English: This week we have started our book The Iron Man. We have been looking at what makes a good writers toolkit. 

RE: We have started learning about The Creation.

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Autumn Term 2


English- This week we have started to look at our right's as children. 

Maths- This week we are learning about the 12 timestable and looking at multiplying by 0. 

RE- This week we have been looking at the story of the Nativity. 

Topic- This week we have been learning about Alfred the Great. 


English- This week we have been writing a new version of the story 'Black Dog'. 

Maths- This week we are learning about the 7 and 11 timestables. 

RE- This week we have been making 'Jesse Tree' decorations. 

Topic- This week we are focusing on Viking raids. 


English- This week we have been looking at creating our writers tool kit. 

Maths- This week we are learning about the 3,6 and 9 timestables. 

RE- This week we have been starting our Advent topic, thinking about Advent wreaths.

Topic- This week we are focusing the Vikings.


English- This week we have started looking at our new book 'Black Dog'.

Maths- This week we are learning about finding the area of shapes. 

RE- This week we have been looking at the Rosary.

Topic- This week we are focusing on our DT Keeping Food Fresh.

Spring Term 1


English- This week we have started writing odes to chocolate. 

Maths- This week we are learning about finding the perimeter of rectangles.

RE- This week we have been learning about why the Eucharist is important to Catholics.  

Topic- This week we have been focusing on four figure grid references on maps.


English- This week we have started writing our own versions of the story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Maths- This week we are learning about length and perimeter.

RE- This week we have been learning that the Catholic Church is spread across the world. 

Topic- This week we have been focusing on Art looking at drawing and painting landscapes.


English- This week we have created a new character for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Maths- This week we are learning about different methods of division.

RE- This week we have been looking at Mary's Jouney.

Topic- This week we have been looking at melting, freezing, evaporation and condensation.


English- This week we have started looking at our new book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Maths- This week we are learning about different methods of multiplication.

RE- This week we have been looking at Archangel.

Topic- This week we are looking at the features of a river.

Spring Term 2

Well done to all the children for their fabulous acting and beautiful singing in the Easter Presentation.  It was a very moving account and allowed the audience to reflect peacefully.

Summer Term 1


Maths: This week we are learning about Time. 

English: This week we have changed the setting of a midsummer night's dream. 

RE: This week we are looking at different saints. 

Topic: This week we had lots of fun during our Ancient Egyptian Day!


Maths: We have been rounding decimals. 

English: We have been writng information pages on our chosen animal to make into a class book. 

RE: In RE we are thinking about the accounts of the Ressurection and how it made Mary feel. 

Topic: We have been practicing mummification (on a teddy bear), and writing a mummification handbook. 


Maths: We have been partitioning decimals. 

English: We have been writng information pages on Hammerhead sharks. 

RE: In RE we are thinking about the accounts of the Ressurection. 

Topic: We had a lovely time creating junk model gardens!


Maths: We are learning about Decimals !

English: We have been looking at Sharks and creating information pages on The Great White Shark. 

RE: In RE we are writing about the events of Holy Week and looking at the different ways they are celebrated across the world. 

Topic: We have started learning about Ancient Egypt. 

Summer Term 2


Maths: In maths we have been looking at lines of symmetry.  

English: We have created our own 'Lost Thing' for our class story. 

RE: We have been looking at thhe story of the burning bush. 

Topic: We are starting our DT looking at the structure of buildings. 



Maths: In maths we are looking at shapes for example identifiying different types of triangles. 

English: We are writing in first person following the book 'The Lost Thing'. 

RE: We are looking at the Old Testiment and thinking about the story of Moses.

Topic: We are finishing off our Art looking at shape and patterns.