Reception Class

Autumn Term 1

W/C 16th October 2023

RE: We have been thinking about people who care for us this week. We thought about what people do for us that show how much they love us.

Maths: During our maths lessons we have been subitising, saying a number of items without the need to count. We are getting really good at this and have begun to subitise numbers up to 5!

Phonics: We are learning the phonemes h, b, f, l. We also met our next tricky words, I, no and go.

Literacy: We have continued enjoying the story ‘Owl Babies’. This week we have been thinking about writing a alternative version of the story by thinking about different animals we could write the story about. We have had ‘Lion Babies’, ‘Ladybird Babies’ and lots more!


W/C 9th October 2023

RE: This week, we have explored how we thank God in prayer. We have thought about something we are thankful for, in our own lives and in God's Creation.

Maths: We have continued with our unit, Talk about Measure and Pattern. We have enjoyed copying, continuing and creating simple patterns!

Phonics: We are learning the phonemes ck, e, u and r. We have also met our first tricky words, 'the' and 'to'.

Literacy: Our new book this week is 'Owl Babies'. We linked the feelings of the baby owls when they couldn't find their mummy, to how we felt on our first day of school.


W/C 2nd October 2023

RE: This week we have been learning about the life of St Francis and his love for all God's creatures. We made bird feeders to hang in the Garden of Eden and we are going on a 'Colours of Nature' hunt.

Maths: We have begun our new unit, Talk about Measure and Pattern. We have been exploring and comparing length, weight and capacity.

Phonics: We are learning the phonemes g, o, c, k. We have tried to blend to read, and segment to spell, words containing these sounds.

Literacy: We have enjoyed sharing our new book, The Everywhere Bear, by Julia Donaldson. We have thought about where the bear went and where we would take the bear. 


W/C 25th September 2023 

RE: We have been talking about things we can do and things that we are good at. We have explored that we all have individual gifts, given to us by God.

Maths: We are continuing with our unit, Matching and Sorting. We have been sorting objects based on their attributes and identifying the 'odd-one-out' in a group. We are also going to explore 'more' and 'fewer' when looking at groups at objects.

Phonics: We are learning the phonemes, i, n, m and d. We have thought about each of these sounds and have had a go at forming the graphemes. We have begun to try to blend the phonemes to read words.

Literacy: We have continued to explore the story, 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We have enjoyed joining in with the actions with Michael Rosen! We have chosen a different animal to hunt for, and drawn some fantastic pictures!


W/C 18th September 2023 - The children have been very busy this week and have been enjoying lots of learning.

RE: In RE we have been hearing the story of Creation from the Bible. We have thought about the 7 days in which God created our world and what happened on each day. We have been using our creative skills to help tell and remember the story.

Maths: In maths we have started our unit on matching and sorting. We have been matching pictures and objects and are beginning to sort things according to their characteristics.

Phonics - this week we have started our formal phonics lessons. We are learning the phonemes s, a, t and p. We have thought about things that begin with each of the sounds and have had a go at forming some of the graphemes. We look forward to sharing more about how we teach Phonics in our parents meeting next Wednesday at 2.45pm.

Literacy – we are sharing the text ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. The children have helped to retell the story and learn actions for the different parts. We are mark making by drawing our favourite part of the story, drawing the bear, and adding labels to our pictures.


W/C 11th September 2003 - This is our first full time week at school! The children were very excited to come together as a whole class. We have been learning about our school routines, for example playtimes and lunchtimes.  We have spent time exploring  the outdoor and indoor environment; and we learnt a special song called 'God Made me'.

W/C 4th September 2023 - We are looking forward to welcoming you to St Augustine's on Tuesday 5th September. 

Autumn Term 2

W/C 18th December 2023

We enjoyed putting on our Nativity performance this week for our families and the whole school community. We hope you enjoyed watching it just as much as we enjoyed performing it. Telling the nativity story has helped us learn more about the very first Christmas and about Advent traditions. 

We have also been making our Bambinelli ready for Fr Kevin to bless them in our final school mass on Friday.

We look forward to sharing all our Christmas crafts with you later this week.


W/C 11th December 2023

We have had a very exciting week in Reception! We watched the KS2 Christmas play and have also been busy rehearsing for our own Christmas performance. On Wednesday, we loved watching 'The Gruffalo' in the theatre.

RE: This week, we listened to the part of the Nativity when the Angel Gabriel visits Mary. We talked about how Mary felt when Gabriel appeared and how she felt when she heard the good news.

Maths: In maths this week, we have been reviewing all of our learning from this term!

Phonics: We have been learning all about long oo, short oo, ar and or.

Literacy: Our work in Literacy this week has been linked to RE. After listening to the part of the Nativity when Angel Gabriel visits Mary, we drew a picture of the event and wrote a sentence about how we thought Mary felt, when Gabriel appeared and told her the good news.

W/C 27th November 2023

RE: This week we have begun to learn about the season of Advent. We looked closely at an Advent wreath and talked about the four candles marking the four weeks of Advent. We made our own very special wreath, using our handprints and other decorations.

Maths: In maths, we have been investigating shapes with 4 sides. We have sorted shapes, and folded and combined shapes to make new ones. We enjoyed going on a shape hunt around school, to find squares and rectangles. Our challenge was to use multilink cubes to make squares using different quantities.

Phonics: We have learnt all about 'sh', 'th' (unvoiced), 'th' (voiced) and 'ng'.

Literacy: This week, we have begun to look at the 'That's not my....' stories. We listened to some of the stories, noticing the repetitive language and the range of adjectives used to describe the objects and characters. We chose different materials and thought of adjectives to describe them, for example, 'fluffy', 'rough' and 'smooth'. We tried to write these words, listening carefully to the phonemes and identifying the graphemes.

W/C 13th November 2023

RE: This week, we have been listening to the words of the 'Our Father', focusing on 'Hallowed be thy name'. We thought about some of the special names we use for God -  God, Lord, Father - and decorated these names beautifully.

Maths: In maths this week, we have been developing the skill of 'subisiting', with groups of 4 and 5 objects. We have been representing 4 and 5 using different objects and comparing our arrangements with those of others. We have also been exploring the concept of '1 more'.

Phonics: We have started Phase 3 of phonics this week, learning all about 'j', 'v', 'w' and 'x'.

Literacy: We have been storytellers this week! We have been using our class story map of 'The Gingerbread Man' to tell the story, adding our own actions - Mrs Williams came to watch and said she thought she was in the theatre! We then changed the ending of the story and thought about different ways that the Gingerbread Man could get across the river - a bridge, a speed boat and a zip wire were some of the brilliant ideas!

W/C 6th November 2023 

RE: This week, we have been learning that Jesus had special friends called 'Disciples'. We listened to the story of how Jesus called them to follow him and we learnt some of their names. We made 'spinning fish' prayers to remember special people in our lives.

Maths: Our maths this week has been all about circles and triangles! We identified, named and sorted the shapes and made our own 2D shape pictures. We also created circular paintings inspired by the artwork of Kandinsky.

Phonics: In phonics this week, we have been reviewing all our phase 2 phonemes.

Literacy: This week, we followed clues around school to find the Gingerbread Man! We solved the clues and found a special treat! We have been listening to the story and adding actions. We even listened to a musical version performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra! We designed our own story map and tried to write some of the words spoken by the characters.


Spring Term 1

W/C 5th February 2024

RE: This week, we enjoyed listening to the story of 'The Feeding of the 5000'. We talked about the meaning of a 'miracle' and that this was one of Jesus' miracles. We loved making our own baskets of loaves and fishes.

Maths: This week in Maths, we began our new unit of 'Growing 6, 7 and 8'. We identified different representations and found ways to make the numbers and explored 1 more and 1 less.

Phonics: We have been recapping the vowel digraphs and trigraphs.

Literacy: We have been enjoying the story of 'Peepo' and comparing old and new toys. We wrote about our own special toy.

W/C 22nd January 2024

RE: This week, we have been sharing our experiences of Mass and identifying symbols and actions we see at Mass. We thought about the people who are too poorly to go to Mass and we made cards for those people in our parish.

Maths: In maths this week, we have been 'Alive in 5'! We have explored 1 more and 1 less to 5, and played games to help us investigate the composition of 5. We have also been practising our subitising skills!

Phonics: We have been learning the sounds 'air', 'ure' and 'er'.

Literacy: We have continued to work on the text 'Rosie's Hat' this week. We shared things that we had lost and created 'Lost' posters. We used our phonic knowledge to write words to describe the lost object. We began creating our own story maps, thinking about where our lost item might be found.

W/C 15th January 2024

RE: During our RE this week we have been thinking about the role of the priest in our Church. We have been thinking about all the different things that Father Kevin does within the church and in particular, his role during mass.

Maths: Our new learning in maths ia all about 'Alive in 5'. We have been subitising, recognising up to 5 objects without counting, and looking at different arrangements of 5.

Phonics: We have been learning the sounds ur, ow, oi, and ear

Literacy: We have shared a new text this week called 'Rosie's Hat' by Julia Donaldson. We enjoyed seeing where Rosie's hat ended up and what it was used for. We thought about all the different types of hat and who might use them. In our writing we chose a hat and wrote a sentence saying who it would belong to. We also mapped out the story of 'Rosie's Hat' using a story map.

W/C 8th January 2024

RE: In RE this week, we have been listening to the part of the Christmas story where Mary and Joseph arrive in Bethlehem and Jesus is born in a stable. We discussed how Mary and Joseph may have felt at different parts of the story. We talked about the shepherds being the first visitors and thought about gifts we would bring to the baby Jesus.

Maths: We have been reviewing our learning from last term in preparation for our new unit of work next week!

Phonics: This week, we have revisited and reviewed our learning on long 'oo', short 'oo', 'ar' and 'or'.

Literacy: Linked to our work in RE, we drew a picture of the stable scene and wrote a sentence to describe what was happening, using our phonics to spell words.

Spring Term 2

W/C 18th March 2024

RE: We listened to the story of Palm Sunday, made palms and reenacted the events of Palm Sunday. We also shared the story of the Last Supper and some of us had our feet washed, just like Jesus' disciples. We made a footprint to remind of this important event during Holy Week.

Maths: In maths this week, we began our new unit, building 9 and 10. We found, compared and represented the numbers 9 and 10. 

Phonics: We have continued playing lots of games this week to practise our blending and segmenting skills using all the phase 3 phonemes, before starting phase 4 after Easter.

Literacy: We have linked our Literacy to our RE learning this week, writing about the events of Palm Sunday. 

W/C 11th March 2024

RE: This week, we talked about the special gift of 'choosing' that God has given us. We explored how some choices are easier than others and we enjoyed choosing our favourite liquorice allsorts! We played a game to reinforce the idea of 'choice' during Lent and to help us think about making the right choices.

Maths: In maths this week, we were focusing on 'time'. We investigated how many jumps/claps we could do in 30 seconds and how many times we could write our names in 1 minute! We reminded ourselves of the days of the week; and talked about certain processes in order, e.g., making a sandwich.

Phonics: We have been playing lots of games this week to practise our blending and segmenting skills using all the phase 3 phonemes!

Literacy: We are now real dinosaur experts! We have been taking part in dinosaur quizzes and creating our own dinosaur fact files. We included 'fascinating facts' about our dinosaurs!

W/C 4th March 2024

RE: Lent is a special time of prayer and this week, we thought about saying 'sorry'. We talked about things we might be sorry for and learnt that God will forgive us if we say 'sorry'. 

Maths: This week, we have explored and compared length and height, using a variety of resources.

Phonics: We have been revising phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs.

Literacy: We have looked at some non-fiction texts about dinosaurs and written interesting facts about our favourite dinosaurs. 

Summer Term 1

W/C 13th May 2024

RE: In RE this week, we have been listening to the story of the Ascension and talking about how Jesus' friends might have felt. We made some Ascension craft showing Jesus ascending to Heaven to be back with his Father.

Maths: This week in Maths, we started our new unit, 'To 20 and beyond'. We looked at the counting patterns from 10 to 20; and used a range of manipulatives to build numbers beyond 10.

Phonics: We have been consolidating Phase 4 this week, practising blending and segmenting CVCC and CCVC words.

Literacy: Our book this week is 'Supermarket Zoo'. We wrote our predictions about the story, using the title and front cover as clues. We then wrote our own monster shopping list, including some very interesting items, such as, mud pie, slug soup and fish ice cream!

W/C 6th May 2024

RE: In RE this week, we have been thinking about Mary. We looked at rosary beads and talked about what they are used for. Afterwards, we made our own rosary beads using beads and pipe cleaners, to remind us to pray for Mary during the month of May.

Maths: This week in maths, we continued with our unit, 'Explore 3D Shape'. We identified, copied and continued more complex patterns; and we explored patterns in the environment.

Phonics: We have been looking at polysyllabic words, and we have been practising blending and segmenting words containing 3-letter adjacent consonants.

Literacy: This week, we have been enjoying the story, 'Spider Sandwiches'. We talked about our favourite sandwiches and wrote a recipe with all the ingredients needed. Our sandwiches sounded much more delicious than the monster's spider sandwiches!

W/C 29th April 2024

RE: This week in RE, we have been completing our work on the theme of Easter. We continued to observe and care for our seeds; and we looked closely at the Easter Candle and created our own beautiful designs based on the symbols we could see.

Maths: This week in Maths, we started our new unit, 'Explore 3D Shapes'. We learnt the names of 3D shapes and investigated their properties. We predicted what 2D 'footprint' would be produced by each 3D shape.

Phonics: In Phonics this week, we have been learning to read and spell polysyllabic words, listening carefully to the number of syllables and clapping the 'beat' to help us hear and identify all the phonemes.

Literacy: Following on from our Teddy Bears' Picnic on Monday, our new text this week is 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. We have listened to the story, joining in with the speech and taking part in retellings. We wrote a letter to the Three Bears from Goldilocks, to say 'sorry'.

W/C 22nd April 2024

RE: This week, we remembered the Resurrection and focussed on it as the start of new life. We talked about how springtime is also the start of new life and we created our own 'spring maps', showing things that we see growing and coming to life in spring. We also begun to plant sunflower seeds to care for, watch and grow.

Maths: We completed our unit 'Building 9 and 10' this week. We explored doubles to 10, and odd and even numbers, and reviewed number bonds to 10.

Phonics: We continued with our Phase 4 learning, looking at words with adjacent consonants anywhere in the word and practising blending to read and segmenting to spell.

Literacy: Our new text this week has been, 'Aliens Love Underpants'. We wrote our own version of the story, thinking about what the aliens might like to take from our houses! We had lots of imaginative ideas, including socks, chocolate and squishmallows!

W/C 15th April 2024

RE: In RE this week, we have continued to learn about the season of Easter. We have been looking at the Easter candle and talking about what some of the symbols on the Paschal candle represent. We enjoyed designing our own candles and explaining the meaning behind the symbols we chose.

Maths: This week, we have continued with our unit 'Building 9 and 10'. We have been looking at different ways of making 10, using lots of manipulatives to help us. WE have also started to look at doubling numbers to 10.

Phonics: In phonics we have continued to look at words with adjacent consonants, blending to read and segment them.

Literacy: Our new text this week has been 'Down to Earth with a Bump'. We listened to the story and also enjoyed watching a video clip of a real rocket taking off! The children have written about some things that Hal might have seen in space.

W/C 8th April 2024

RE: In RE this week, we have continued to learn about the season of Easter. We listened to the story of the Resurrection and learnt that this is a time of great celebration. We talked about how Jesus' friends might have felt when he rose from the dead. As a sign of celebration, we made an 'Alleluia' banner for our class.

Maths: This week, we have continued with our unit 'Building 9 and 10'. We have enjoyed participating in lots of practical activities to help us with our understanding of conceptual subitising to 10 (seeing how smaller amounts make bigger amounts), composition to 10, and 1 more and 1 less.

Phonics: We have started Phase 4 of phonics this week. We have practising reading and writing CVCC words.

Literacy: Our new text this week has been 'The Marvellous Moon Map'. We listened to the story of Mouse creating a moon map to journey to the moon; and we then created our own list of things we would pack in our back packs if we were travelling to the moon!

Summer Term 2

W/C 10th June 2024

RE: This week we have explored the importance of the giving of a name at Baptism. We reflected that each of us has been called by God by name. We learnt that our first name is our Christian name and we decorated bookmarks with our names, to signify how special our names are.

Maths: We have started our new unit, 'Manipulate, compose and decompose'. This week, we selected shapes for a purpose, to make a picture; we explored how shapes look when rotated; and we described the position of shapes.

Phonics: We are continuing to revisit and review our phase 4 phonics, reading and writing words with adjacent consonants.

Literacy: We have continued with our text, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', looking more closely at the life cycle of a butterfly. We ordered pictures and wrote accompanying sentences to describe each stage of the cycle. 

W/C 3rd June 2024

RE: In RE this week, we have begun our new unit of work, Baptism. We enjoyed role playing a Baptism in class and talked about some of the things that happen during Baptism and some of the symbols associaited with it.

Maths: This week we started a new unit of work, 'How many now?' We have looked at numbers and then thought about what is one less and one more. We have used visuals to help us see these patterns and played games to develop our understanding.

Phonics: We are continuing to review and revisit phase 4 phonics, reading and writing words with adjacent consonants.

Literacy: Our new text this week has been 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We were very excited to have received a letter from 'Tropical World' asking if we would look after some caterpillars and help them to grow into beautiful butterflies. In our writing task, we thought about what we would like to ask our caterpillar.