Year 1 Class

Autumn Term 1

WC 16.10.23

What a busy week!

RE: We are getting ready for our Mass on Friday!  Children that have readings, please practise at home.

English: Our new class book is called 'The Lion Insdie'.  We have been learning the story in order to retell it and we have been looking at the main characters. 

Maths:  Part Part Whole models are where we are at!  How does a picture inform a model which then informs number sentences. 

We have also had our mini first aid session this morning! Ask your children about what interesting things they learned :)  

PLEASE bring in your CHRISTMAS CARDS by FRIDAY 20th OCTOBER 2023!! The date on the bottom is wrong.  


WC 2.10.23

We are getting ready for Harvest! 

RE: We have been learning about the life of St Francis of Assisi and have had a mini class assembly celebrating his feast day today.  

Maths: we have been working hard to know, recognise and use the <,> and = symbols.  Phew! 

Writing: we have be writing in more detail about who we live with, what they look like and in some cases what they even like to do.

As your child about King Dancer (new yoga posture). Can they hold it for three breaths? 

Please remember to bring in any Harvest donations by Friday.


WC 18.09.23
We have had a busy week and it's only Wednesday:
RE: we continue to learn and discuss the Creation story: we are even learning a song! 
Maths: We are embedding learning on how we count (countign strategies); how to represent numbers and counting on from any number within ten.
English: We continue learning about what Super Writers do: They Think; Draw; Label; Write and add detail).  We are writing about ourselves (the best topic!) and formulating sentences that make sense. At present we are writing descriptive sentences about what we look like.  
Ask your child what new Yoga postures that they are may have some tabletops, cats (both happy cats and scaredy cats) and flowers (flower breathing).  
Please review the spelling list daily as we have our dictation on Friday.  

WC 4.09.23 - We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back on Tuesday 5th September! 

Please click on homework documents below:

Spellings Y1 Common Exception Words

Autumn Term 2

WC 29.11.23

English:  We have started a new unit about Instructions and are learning about the key features of instructions.  We started the week making a jam sandwich.  The class instrcuted me on how to make one and then I enjoyed it for my lunch ;) We will continue to learn about instructions in the coming weeks.  

Maths:  Subtracting using a number line can be a bit tricky!  We have been practicing how to do this and we are definitely getting better! 

RE: We finished our prayer unit by writing a thank you and forgiveness 'mash-up' prayer.  Today we started learning about Advent. 

Reminders:  We have a KS1 Mass on Friday.  Please continue to go over any readings that your child might have.  

The weather is getting colder so please remember to send your child in with a winter coat, hat and gloves and please remind your child that we DO NOT EAT THE ICE :) 

WC 22.11.23

English:  We chenged the story of Lost in the Toy Museum.  Bunting, the main character, has come to visit the toys in the Year 1 class.  Our toys, lead by Lucious the Lion, played a game of hide and seek with Bunting.  Bunting had to search allaround the school.  This was the inspiration of our writing this week.  We sequenced the places that Bunting looked.
Maths:  We have started to look at what subtraction is and the different strateges that we can use to help us take away.  We are also linking first, then, now storied to subtraciton number sentneces.  First there were 5 birds in the tree.  Then 2 birds flew away.  Now there are 3 birds.  5-2=3

RE: We continue to look at Prayer.  We now know the different ways we can pray and we have made a prayer chain to put in our RE corner.  Next week we will write our own prayers. 

WC 06.11.23

English:  Thank you for the great turnout for the Writing Family Session - it was lovely seeing all the big people faces.  I hope you left with a better undestanding of what a basic English lesson looks like.  We continue to write about our toys and will be moving on to story book conventions next week.  

Maths:  We are learning all about number bonds within 10.  So we have been making number houses.  So the house of 4 would have 5 different bonds that make 4.  We will move towards working on number bonds to 10. You have also received the Key Instant Recall Facts letter and the A2 KIRF overview.  

RE: We have started a new unit about Prayer and have come to the conclusion that prayer is talking to God. In the coming weeks we will investigate different types of prayer and we will attempt to write our own.

REMINDER: as we are moving into Winter, please make sure your child comes to school with a warm coat.  We do tend to go outside for break and lunch even if there is a light rain.  Also, please check that all jumpers, fleeces and water bottles are named.  There are many jumpers etc around school that do not have names and this makes it difficult to return to the correct child.       

Spring Term 1

WC: 07.02.24

English: We are finishig our own version of Meerkat Mail, deciding where in the world Sunny is going to go. We are trying to add detail to our stories to make it interesting to the reader.

Maths: we are exploring doubles and near doubles.  

RE: we continue to learn about Jesus and have listened to the story of Jesus feeding the 5000.  We looked at differetn artists impressions of this story and we are goign to them for our own inspiration.  

WC 31.01.24

English: We are in the middle of writing our own version of 'Meerkat Mail' where Sunny visits Kenilworth.  We have been looking at how to make our writing better by adding voracious vocabulary and detial.  

Maths: We are adding to 20 using different stategies: using number lines; counting on from the bigger number and using known number bond facts.  

RE: We are learning more parables: The Good Samaritan (continued) and Prable of the Lost Sheep.


WC: 24.01.24

English:  We have started our new book: Meerkat Mail and have been learning the story with actions, writing story maps and have been writing about settings.  We are also learning sign language for the days of the week! 

Math: We continue with our teen numbers and are using number lines to solve problems.

RE: We have started a new unit where we will be learning about Jesus: teacher and healer.  We have discussed what a parable is and will be looking in depth at some of them.  This week we have looked at The Good Samaritan. 

WC: 10.01.24

Welcome Back!  We are back with a spring in our step! :) 

English:  We are staritng a 2 week poetry unit.  We are looking at nouns, adjectives and verbs to help us write list poems based on our new book 'The Secret Sky Garden'

Math: We are learning about numbers within 20 - looking in-depth at all the 'teen' numbers.

RE: Yes, we are still talking about Christmas!  This week we are looking at the Annunciation. 

Spring Term 2

WC 28.02.2024

English: We are continuing with our postcard writing.  Thank you so much for the postcards that you sent over the break - they were lovely little surprises each day when the post was delivered :) 

Math: We have started a new unit and are now exploring numbers to 50.  You can support your child by counting forwards and backwards to 50 and asking what is 1 more or 1 less than any number wthin 50.

RE: We are in our Lent unit and are thinking about how we can change and be more like Jesus.  We are also thinking baout different ways we can pray, fast and give more.  

PE: You may be challenged by your child to how many one-legged kne bends you can do...don't say I didn't warn you ;)     

Summer Term 1

WC 15.05.24

English: we continue to explore Non-Fiction writing, practicing writing in the third person in a factual way.   

Maths: we are now looking at quaters and what makes a quarter a quarter.  

RE: we continue to look at Pentecost. Today we have explored the different symbols that are assiciated with Pentecost. 


WC 8.05.24

English: We have started a new unit about Non-Fiction writing focussing on report writing.  We discussed the difference bewtween fiction and non-fiction and we have learned that non-fiction texts are good places to find out answers to our questions.  

Maths: We have started  out new unit on Fractions and have been learning about half.

RE: We are looking at the story of Pentecost.  We are also celebrating Whole School Ascension Mass tomorrow afternoon.   

WC 01.05.24

English: We are amazing story writers!  We have changed the monsters that appear in the Deep Dark Wood to ones of our own choosing and we are now rewriting this known stroy.  We have been making sure to add extra detail and even onomatopoiea if we can. 

Math: we are finishing up our unit on multiplication and division by learning about sharing objects into equal groups.  Next week we will be stating fractions! Who would like half a pizza?  

RE: We have been thinking about Mary.  We have been looking at different artisits and how they have drawn or painted Mary and we then have been creating our own artwork on Her.  

Don't forget we have Mass this Friday: it is in the school hall and starts at 9:30am.  

WC 24.04.24

English: We have story mapped the Deep Dark Wood and we will finish the week rewriting the story adding more detail thatn the original.  

Math: We continue working on our multiplication and division unit and have started looking at arrays and how they are arranged.  

RE: we are wrapping up our Easter Unit and will be starting a mini unit on Mary in preparation for our KS1 Mass next Friday 3rd May.

WC 17.04.24

English:  We have started our new unit on the book 'The Deep Dark Wood'.  We had a discussion about what we might see, hear or even smell in a forest.  We also thought about what creatures might live there and what sounds they might make.  We will be working to improve how we write descriptively.

Math: We have also started a new unit in Math: Multiplication and Division.  We have started skip counting by 2 and will move on to skip counting by 10 and 5.  We will also be singing songs to help us learn.   

RE: We continue to discuss Easter and the story of the Women finding the Empty Tomb.  We will also be making Easter Candles. 

WC 10.04.24

English: We have been working on onomatopeia and poetry! We have been inevestigating onomatopeia by 'jumping into' a pieceof art work!  We will be taking all our ideas and word collectign to create a poem that demonstrates our understanding.  

Math:  We have started looking at Position: position and direction and we will be starting multiplication and division next.  

RE: we are continuing with the Easter story and are looking at the story of the women finding the empty tomb.  We have thought about the different emotions the women might have felt at  different parts of the story. We will be creating some art linked to the topic and we will practice retelling the sotry.  

Don't forget we have an all school mass tomorrow.  We are also celebrating World Arts Day on Monday next week.  On Friday 19th April we will be having a whole school Maths Family workshop from 9:15-10:15am.

Summer Term 2

WC 05.06.24

English: Thank you for the amazing bee projects!  The children were very keen to share what they have learned.  It was a great segue into our new writing topic linked to bees.  Yesterday we made a fruit salad only usign fruit pollinated by bees.  The children were buzzing all throughout!! - see what I did there :) 

Math: We have started a new unit on place value, looking at numbers from 50 to 100.   

RE: We have also started a new unit in RE about Following Jesus Today and are currently reviewing Baptism.  I will be linking this unit to our class project about the Water Princess and Ryan's Well, where we will be raising money by doing an '____a-thon'.  More to follow.