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Our Governing Body

All school governing bodies have three core functions:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
  • holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

At St Augustine’s we also take seriously our role in preserving and developing the Catholic character of our school.

We are blessed to have an active and engaged governing body with a wide range of skills and experiences to aid them in effectively fulfilling their role.

Jennifer Hill - Chair of Full Governing body

Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Birmingham

Date of appointment: 1st September 2022

Term ends: 31st August 2026

Susan Berti - Vice chair

Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Birmingham

Roles: SEND, Pupil Premium

Date of appointment: 1st September 2022

Term ends: 31st August 2026

Catharine Badr 

Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Birmingham

Roles: Catholic Life and Mission

Date of appointment: 20th January 2023

Term ends: 19th January 2027

Felicity Chapman

Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Birmingham

Roles: Curriculum and Pupil Progress

Date of appointment: 1st September 2022

Term ends: 31st August 2026

Krzysztof Latuszynski

Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Birmingham

Date of appointment: 24th March 2023

Term ends: 23rd March 2027

Dominic Moore

Parent Governor

Date of appointment: 25th January 2024

Term ends: 24th January 2028

Richard Staveley

Governor (without voting rights)

Roles: Safeguarding, Health and Safety

Date of appointment: 26th March 2024

Term ends: 25th March 2025

Heather Cowell - Principal

Date of appointment: 29th January 2023

Term ends: 28th January 2027

Stephanie Hall - Clerk

All documentation from governors’ meetings can be made available to those who request it. Where further information is required, please contact the school office.

Document Title Date  
Meeting Attendance 2022 23 24th Oct 2023 Download
Register of Interests St Augustines Catholic Primary School 2023 2024 06th Feb 2024 Download