Year 3 Class

Autumn Term 1

Week beginning 23rd October: In RE this week, we have been learning about the structure of the Liturgy of the Word. We have started by looking at first reading, second readings and a range of responsorial psalms. In English, we have been writing our own stories based on the Stone Age Boy. We are trying to write in paragraphs, use some speech and to write in first person. In maths, we have started to use the column method to add and subtract two 3 digit numbers such as 345 + 234. After half term, we will be continuing to use column method but with exchanging. 

Week beginning 16th October: In RE this week we have started our new unit 'We Listen to God's Word at Mass'. We have been talking about why listening is so important in life, and what might happen if we do or don't listen. We have also been looking at a range of bible stories and discussing the messages of certain parables. In maths, we have started to add numbers across a ten or a hundred for example 456 + 70 and 356 + 7. In English, we have been innovating our class story of the Stone Age Boy. We are excited to change our own story maps on Friday! 

Week beginning 9th October: In RE this week we have been reflecting on our learning based on belonging and are beginning to think about our new unit 'We listen to God's Word'. In maths, we are enjoying adding and subtracting hundreds to 3 digit numbers such as 456 + 400. We have also been adding ones numbers to 3 digit numbers such as 532 + 5 and have been making links between number bonds and larger numbers. For example, we know that 3 + 5 = 7 so we know that 532 + 5 = 537. In English, we have started our new book 'The Stone Age Boy'. We have been busy creating story maps and learning our class chant. We have also planned and written a setting description of a cave. Year 3 also enjoyed a trip this week to Edmonscote Athetlics Track. We took part in lots of sports activities led by the brilliant wellbeing ambassadors. We had lots of fun! 

Week beginning 2nd October: In RE this week we have been continuing our learning on the introductory rites of Mass. We discussed all writes including the welcome, the greeting, the pentitential rite, the gloria and the collect. We created our own story boards to show what happens in each rite. In maths, we have started our learning about addition and subtraction. For now, we are revisiting our year 2 learning before going onto numbers greater than 100. We also really enjoyed having a special visitor from 'Skint to Mint'. He taught us all about finance, including how to value our money and how to save money when we are shopping. In English, we are working really hard all week writing our own innovated stories based on 'Jack and The Beanstalk'. We have been trying to write in paragraphs, use some speech and include lots of description. 

Week beginning 25th September: In RE this week we have been learning more about Mass. We have discussed why Mass is so important and such a special time for people to gather together. We have also started our learning about the structure of Mass, including the introductory rites of Mass. So far, we have learned about the welcome, the greeting and the penitential rite. Whilst learning about the penitential rite, we wrote prayers to God to thank him for his forgiveness. In English, we have been innovating our own class story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Our story is now called Fred and the Jelly Beanstalk and we have practised writing parts of our class story. In maths, we are continuing our place value learning but have been estimating numbers on a number line to 100 and have also been ordering numbers to 1000.  

Week beginning 18th September: We have really settled into year 3 now. In RE this week we are learning about all of the seven sacraments and why they are so special. In English, we have started our learning based on Jack and the Beanstalk. We have created story maps for the story, have learned to chant the story off by heart and have written some amazing character descriptions. In maths, we are continuing our learning about place value but are now focusing on numbers to 1000. 

Week beginning 11th September: Hello everyone. The children are settling in well into year 3. In RE this week we are learning all about Baptism. We have acted out the sacrament using baby dolls and will be creating a leaflet about Baptism. In English, we are enjoying the book 'The Day the Crayon's Quit'. This week we are writing speeches about which colour is best! In maths, we are learning about place value and are partitioning two digit numbers using dienes. We are also estimating numbers on a number line to 100. 

Hi everyone! Welcome to year 3. I am really looking forward to welcoming all of the children on Tuesday 5th September. 

Please click on homework documents below:

Autumn A Spellings

Spellings Y3 and Y4 Tricky Words

Spelling Y2 Tricky Words

Autumn Term 2

Y3 Autumn B SpellingWow, what a long term it's been! The children have worked so hard and I am super proud of all of them... Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you have a lovely time celebrating and relaxing with your families and look forward to seeing you all in 2024. 

Week beginning 18th December: In RE this week, we have written advent prayers to reflect on our year and have made paper chains as a class to think about how we can unite peacefully in our classrooms and around the world. In maths this week, we are finishing our first multiplication and division unit and will be enjoying some maths multiplication games in the classroom. In English, we enjoyed writing a recount based on our trip to the cinema to see Wonka! 

Week beginning 11th December: In RE this week, we have been thinking about how we can welcome the presence of Jesus. We have discussed what we can do for others this Christmas including donating to charity and being grateful for our families. We are also learning about the advent wreath and are producing our own advent wreath artwork. In maths this week, we have been learning how to multiply and divide by 8. It is quite tricky, so we have been using tips to help us. For example for 4 x 8, we double 4, double it again, double it again and double it again! That helps us to get to the answer. In English this week, we are planning and writing our own versions of Buster the Boxer. We are writing in paragraphs, using similes and adjectives and are also trying to punctuate speech correctly in our writing. 

Week beginning 4th December: In RE this week, we have been learning the story of the Visitation between Mary and Elizabeth. We wrote postcards from Mary to Joseph to explain what happened during the event. In English this week, we have written a class version of Buster the Boxer called Harry the Hamster. In maths this week, we have been learning the 3 times and 4 times table. 

Week beginning 27th November: In RE this week, we are starting our advent unit. We are discussing how Christians prepare for Christmas during advent and will also be looking at the Annunication of Mary. We are writing diary entries based on this event. In maths this week, we are continuing our learning on multiplication and division unit, particularly looking at arrays and the three times table. In English, we have started our new writing unit based on the John Lewis advert, Buster the Boxer. 

Week beginning 20th November: In RE this week, we have created pieces of Artwork based on 'The Presentation of Jesus at the temple'. In Maths this week, we have finished our addition and subtraction unit and are now starting our multiplication and division unit. We are starting this by looking at arrays, and how we can arrange things into equal groups. In English, we have written our own versions of 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth', such as 'How to Wash a Magical Unicorn'. 

Week beginning 13th November: In RE this week, we have been continuing our learning on the Liturgy of the Word and have been ordering the parts of the Mass correctly. We have also made prayer cards that will be coming home shortly, which will help us to be prepared for our sacraments. In English, we have innovated our class version of 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' and are now writing our class version 'How to Wash a Cheeky Monkey'. In maths, we have been continuing our addition and subtraction unit but have been focusing on adding and subtract 3 digit and 2 digit numbers. 

Week beginning 6th November: In RE this week, we have been learning about why we listen to the gospels. We talked about how it's important to always listen to the stories of Jesus and the good news that he brought to the world. In English, we have started our new text, 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth'. So far, we have created our text map and learned our actions, have written a non-fiction paragraph about a woolly mammoth and have also looked at features of instructions. We loved having our parents in for the writing workshop! Later in the week we will be looking at the use of prepositions in instructions and will also be practising writing our own set of instructions to give to Mrs West to follow. In maths, we have been continuing our learning of column method but with exchanging for example, 437 + 235 and 891 - 353. 

Spring Term 1

Spring A Spellings

Week beginning 5th February: In RE this week, Father Kevin visited year 3 to talk to us about reconciliation. We are also writing sorrow prayers. In Maths, we have been learning how to calculate the perimeter of shapes. In English, we have written letters about why it is so important to recycle. We are also writing our own poems based on the poem 'Is Plastic Fantastic?' 

Week beginning 31st January: In RE this week, we have been learning the story of the Prodigal Son. We have discussed what choices the sons made, and what their consequences were. We rewrote the story in our RE books. We have also learned the story of Zacchaeus and have been thinking about what this story teaches us about forgiveness. In maths this week, we have been learning about cm, m and mm. We have measured things in our classroom and have also ordered the measurements. In English, we have started our new unit based on the poem 'Is Plastic Fantastic?' 

Week beginning 22nd January: In RE this week, we have started our reconciliation unit. We have been learning about good choices and bad choices and have been looking at consequences for our actions. In maths, we have learned about remainders in division. For example 19 divided by 3 is 6 remainder 1. We are also starting our new unit, length and perimeter. In English, we are writing our own recounts, based on the story 'Escape from Pompeii'. 

Week beginning 15th January: In RE this week, we have been learning about Greta Thunberg. We have been looking at how she follows areas of catholic social teaching including solidarity, the common good and creation and the environment. We have also learned about St Francis of Assissi and about the invention of the crib. In maths, we have been multiplying and dividing 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit numbers for example 23 x 3 and 88 divided by 4. In English, we have been a range of written pieces of work based on 'Escape from Pompeii' including speech, poems and letters. 

Week beginning 8th January: In RE this week, we have started our Christmas unit. We have been putting ourselves into the perspectives of the shepherds and thinking about key questions including: How did they feel when the angel appeared? What do you think the shepherds did when they saw Baby Jesus? We have created pieces of work based on what we thought really happened during and after the angels visit to the shepherds. In maths, we have been multiplying 2 digit numbers by 10 and have been using known simple multiplication facts to help with trickier questions. For example, we know 6 x 3 = 18, so we know 6 x 30 = 180. In English, we have started to explore our new book 'Escape from Pompeii'. 

Spring Term 2

Spring B Spellings

Week beginning 18th March: In RE this week, we are celebrating Holy Week. We have been revisiting the stories of Palm Sunday and the Last Supper and have enjoyed writing recounts or diary accounts based on them. We have been making links between the Last Supper and Mass. In maths, we have been continuing our learning on Mass and Capacity, particularly focusing on comparing volume, adding volume and subtracting volume. English time this week has been used to complete our learning on Holy Week. 

Week beginning 11th March: In RE this week, we have learned and written diary accounts based on the Paralysed Man. We are also continuing our preparation for Reconciliation. In maths, we have been learning about Mass and Capacity including adding weights, learning equivalent weights and subtracting weights. In English, we have been learning about Kenning poems. We have written a Kenning about ourselves and monsters!

Week beginning 4th March: In RE this week, we had a visit from Father Kevin to teach us all about reconciliation. We have also been rehearsing the story of Zacchaeus for our first reconciliation. In maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of all previous units and have been taking part in arithmatic and reasoning tests. In writing, we have written our own versions of the story 'Marshmallows' based on a monster.

Week beginning 28th February: In RE this week, we have started our learning on Lent. We have learned the story of 'The Widow in Nain' and have produced our own artwork based on the story. In maths this week we are learning about fractions. We have been learning how to order fractions with the same denominator and with different denominators. We have also been learning how to recognise fractions on a number line and in a bar model. In English, we have written non chronological reports about our own creatures. We used non fiction features including illustrations, headings and subheadings. 

Summer Term 1

Summer A Spellings

w/c 13.05.24 - In Maths we have been continuing our unit on time, focusing on am and pm, years and months as well as weeks. During English we have been looking at characters in a play and what things that are important to us such as looking after the environment. In RE we have been looking at the Holy Spirit in prayers and what peace means to us.

w/c 06.05.24 - In English we are writing non-chronological reports and using our inference skills to answer questions, backing this up with evidence. In Maths we are continuing our unit on time, looking at minute intervals, using minutes as well as morning and afternoon. In RE we have started our new unit on Pentecost, talking about Baptism and the Holy Spirit.

w/c 29.04.24 - We will be completing our RE unit on Easter this week, thinking about why Jesus reappeared to the disciples and reflecting on Holy Communion. In Maths we are completing our unit on money and moving onto Time where we will be using our Roman topic to help us with Roman Numerals. In English we have been learning about making notes to help with writing a non-chronological report.

w/c 22.04.24 - In RE this week we have been looking at the story of the Resurrection of Jesus and looked at the similarities in other Bible stories. In English we have been writing our own version of an adventure story and in maths we have been learning to add and subtract money.

w/c - 15.04.24 - In RE this week, we have been looking at Easter and the Road to Emmaus. In maths this week, we have been completing our new unit on fractions and started a new unit on money.  In English, we have used our new writing unit based on a video called 'the Ride of Passage' to create a conversation between characters. 

Summer Term 2

Week 1



 WB: 3rd June

Test date: 7th June


Words ending in suffix - al

Week 2



WB: 10th June

Test date: 14th June


Words ending with sure

Week 3



WB: 17th June

Test date: 21st June


Words ending with ture

Week 4



WB: 24th June

Test date: 28th June


Words ending with ture




Week 5


WB: 1st July

Test date: 5th July


Silent Letters Revision



Week 6


WB: 8th July

Test date: 12th July


Silent Letters Revision






























































Week beginning 18th June: In RE we talked about the children's first Holy Communion and finished our unit on the Eucharist. In Maths we have been looking at angles, lines including parallel and perpendicular as well as 2D and 3D shapes. In English we have been writing our own non-chronological report on a pet.

Week beginning 11th June: In English we have boxed up a class non-chronological report on a pet and will start to research and box up our own version. In maths we have been looking at turns and measuring angles. In RE we have been looking at the meaning of the Eucharist.

Week beginning 4th June: This week we have been completing our unit of time in maths and will be starting a new unit on shape. In English we have been leaning about non-chronological reports in order to write our own about animals. In RE we have been starting our new unit on the Eucharist.