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Foundation Subjects


At St Augustine’s we understand that art and craft embody some of the highest forms of human creativity.

Therefore, we provide A high-quality art and design education that engages, inspires, and challenges pupils. Therefore, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft, and design.  

As pupils progress steadily through our school, they can think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design.

They also have a clear understanding of how art reflects and shapes our history, and contributes to culture and creativity. 

We ensure the pupils develop a rich and deep subject knowledge through a variety of interesting contexts as a way of demonstrating their creativity. We also love to welcome parents and carers to take part in children’s learning and experiences such as Christmas decoration morning.  


Design and Technology

In DT we focus on three main areas which are design, make and evaluate.


Whilst designing, children need to understand the context they are working in, think about who their products will be for and decide what tasks they will perform. Our children are given the opportunities to generate, develop, model and communicate ideas in a variety of ways, including spoken language, drawings and templates. 


When making, our children use a range of tools and equipment. They also have opportunities to choose the materials and components they will use, thinking about their working characteristics. They follow procedures for safety and hygiene and develop a repertoire of practical skills and techniques, working with increasing accuracy as they develop through the school.


Pupils will increasingly form sophisticated judgements about their own ideas and products against design criteria. They consider the views of others in order to improve their work and investigate and evaluate existing products using a variety of questioning techniques. 


We seek to create a life-long love of the subject, through teaching our children about diverse places, people and resources.

Through the study of natural and human environments, as well as physical and human processes, our desire is to provide our children with a sense of awe and wonder about the world they live in.

Children are encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it. As an investigative subject, Geography develop understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills. We intend to promote interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and environments.

The curriculum aims to inspire children’s love for geography, preparing them with a curiosity and fascination about the world that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.


It is important for children to develop a sense of identity through learning about the past and we want them to know how history has shaped their own lives.

Children begin by learning about what a historian does, looking at basic sources and simplified perspectives to develop an appreciation and understanding of what it means to be a historian.  As their knowledge grows, children will be able to ask perceptive questions, analyse more complex sources and begin to use their knowledge to develop perspective.  Concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence and similarity, difference and significance, are explored in every unit.

All of our topics are studied to provide an understanding of the history of the wider world and our place within it.  The curriculum aims to ignite children’s love for history, preparing them with essential knowledge for Key Stage 3 and beyond.

Modern Foreign Languages

At St Augustine's School, 14% of our children speak English as an additional language and we celebrate our school's diversity.

Some of the home languages spoken include: Spanish, Polish, Ukranian, Chinese and German. In Key Stage Two our children are taught French as their modern foreign language. 

Our French lessons are delivered using the scheme Language Angels. All materials produced by Language Angels have been written based upon the KS2 MFL National Curriculum and follow a ‘step-by-step approach’. The three ‘pillars’ of language learning (phonics, grammar and vocabulary) are all weaved into our planning and, as pupils progress through the units and teaching types, previous language is recycled, revisited and consolidated.

At St Augustine's any new language is introduced gradually and becomes more complex and sophisticated as pupils move through Key Stage Two.

Each French lesson includes a range of activities and opportunities for our pupils to practise the foreign language in all four skills - speaking, listening, reading and writing. These skills are supported and developed using a variety of different interactive and desk-based activities.

KS2 long term plan for French


Music Development Plan


“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:18-19).

Saint Augustine’s Catholic Primary School aims to ensure a smooth transition in confidence and musicality from reception, through to year 6. It is our intention that music will be an exciting learning experience where pupils will feel safe to be creative and to worship, to take risks and to develop their musical and artistic skills.

We aim to provide a broad, exciting and progressive music curriculum for all children within school hours and as a programme of extra-curricular provision. This is delivered through outstanding music teaching and a breadth of musical experiences. Pupils have access to instruments and instrumental ensembles, singing groups and the opportunity to perform several times a year. Musical opportunities will support children’s mental health and allow them time to express their emotions. Programmes of performances in school and out of school allow our pupils to experience performing in concert halls and theatres. This maximises cultural capital for all our children, improving pupil confidence, concentration, self-discipline and teamwork, as well as promoting a life-long appreciation of the arts.

Pupils will reflect on their learning, looking at how they have learned using the Catholic values and virtues at the heart of our schools and across Our Lady of the Magnificat Multi-Academy. Pupils serve God by singing, playing and contributing to mass and worship sessions, as well as using and developing the gifts given by God to each individual to realise their full creative potential.




Academic year that this summary covers


Date this summary was published

July 2024

Date this summary will be reviewed

May 2025

Name of the school music lead

Miss Fitzgerald

Name of school leadership team member with responsibility for music (if different)


Name of local music hub


Name of other music education organisation(s) (if partnership in place)

Modern Music Company


Part A: Curriculum music

Saint Augustine’s music curriculum is informed by Charanga Music and we aim for all our pupils to develop a life-long love of music, through a wide range of quality musical experiences which engage and inspire our pupils. Our schemes of work inspire creativity, curiosity and excitement, supporting children’s self-confidence, self-esteem and collaborative skills. The Charanga Musical School Scheme provides teachers with week-by-week lesson for each year group in the school. The Scheme supports all the requirements of the national curriculum. In line with the curriculum for music it is practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning.

Each unit follows the structure:

1.Listen and Appraise

2. Musical Activities include Games, Singing, Playing, Improvising and Composing

3. Perform/Share

This allows for the Saint Augustine students to really explore and get creative with music.

Saint Augustine’s is proud to be recognised as a school with a strong love of music. We have music lessons across all ages, with special performances in drum, keyboard and guitar throughout the year. We also have clubs such as young voices and some go on and perform in world-renowned venues such as The Royal Albert Hall.


Part B: Extra-curricular music

We were delighted to work with the Modern Music Company. They support our instrumental provision to enable pupils the chance to become proficient in their chosen instrument, through individual or small group settings. Instrumental lessons are charged according to our website with subsidies in place for particular circumstances (e.g pupil premium).

In addition to timetabled music curriculum time, pupils are encouraged to sing through Musical Praise sessions and through choral rehearsals. We have a rich weekly musical choir and after school club Young Voices.

 We produce a 4 school shows annually two Christmas performances, easter performance and a year 6 performance.

Part C: Musical experiences

This is about all the other musical events and opportunities that we organise, such as singing in assembly, concerts and shows, and trips to professional concerts.

Saint Augustine’s produce exciting and rewarding musical experiences for pupils to get involved with, such as school productions, concerts and shows. Annually, our rich calendar includes:

  • Young Voices
  • KS2 Carol Singing
  • EYFS and KS1 Christmas Performance
  • KS2 Christmas Performance
  • Easter Performance
  • Performance at The Royal Albert Hall
  • Year 6 performance
  • Hymn practice and regular masses at school or our local parishes, centre around our worshipful singing.
In the future

Saint Augustine’s  aims to continue its excellent music lessons available to all children and young voices in an aim to develop in our pupils a life-long appreciation of music. Musical careers will be signposted through learning in classroom and external experiences offering our pupils a range of opportunities and pathways.

Further information





Music Development Plan

“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:18-19).

Our Lady of the Magnificat Multi-Academy aims to ensure a smooth transition in confidence and musicality from reception, through middle and on to high school. It is our intention that music will be an exciting learning experience where pupils will feel safe to be creative and to worship, to take risks and to develop their musical and artistic skills. Pupils will reflect on their learning, looking at how they have learned using the Catholic values and virtues at the heart of our schools and across the Multi-Academy. Pupils serve God by singing, playing and contributing to mass and worship sessions, as well as using and developing the gifts given by God to each individual to realise their full creative potential. We aim to provide a broad, exciting and progressive music curriculum for all children within school hours and as a programme of extra-curricular provision. This is delivered through outstanding music teaching and a breadth of musical experiences. Pupils have access to instruments and instrumental ensembles, singing groups and the opportunity to perform several times a year. Musical opportunities will support children’s mental health and allow them time to express their emotions. Programmes of performances in school and out of school make the Magnificat Mac a leading light in music education within the local community (including Worcestershire and Warwickshire Arts evenings). This maximises cultural capital for all our children, improving pupil confidence, concentration, self-discipline and teamwork, as well as promoting a life-long appreciation of the arts.




Academic year that this summary covers


Date this summary was published

July 2024

Date this summary will be reviewed

May 2025

Name of the MAC Primary music lead

Mrs R Burton

Name of school leadership team member with responsibility for music (if different)

Mrs J McNally

Name of local music hub

Severn Arts (Worcestershire) and Warwickshire Music hub

Name of other music education organisation(s) (if partnership in place)

Music Mark, Trinity College,

Arts Award, ArtsMark


Part A: Curriculum music

Our Lady of the Magnificat’s music curriculum is informed by the Model Music Curriculum (March 2021) and we aim for all our pupils to develop a life-long love of music, through a wide range of quality musical experiences which engage and inspire our pupils. Our schemes of work inspire creativity, curiosity and excitement, supporting childrens’ self-confidence, self-esteem and collaborative skills.  All schemes of work can be found on each schools’ website and are fully inclusive and accessible to all. All pupils receive tuition on an instrument in years 3, 4 and/or 5; they may then choose to take this or a different instrument to a higher standard through the instrumental lessons offered through the school in addition to their timetabled music lesson. It is our aim that the Arts are integrated across all curriculum areas through the pedagogy of Arts education and transference of skills. Our music curriculum not only teaches students how to execute the skills to produce their work but also to understand and appreciate all Arts. Within our primary settings, Charanga is an effectively-used resource, with Rock Steady and Music Express complimenting it. Weekly timetabled lessons include a range of opportunities for pupils to perform, listen, appraise and compose. Pupils in years 3 or 4 will experience at least one terms whole-class ensemble tuition on a range of instruments through Worcestershire’s Severn Arts or Warwickshire’s Music hub.

At Middle school, pupils have the opportunity to develop their musical skills and achieve a Bronze or Silver Arts Award through Trinity College before moving on to High School. Collaborative work across the Mac also enables pupils to achieve their Discover Arts Award where possible.

Across the trust, our schools are delighted to have partnerships with Music Mark, ArtsMark, Trinity Championship status and Arts Awards (at Gold and Platinum level). Schools enjoy working with Warwickshire Sings and the Armonico consort to perform in world-renowned venues such as The Royal Albert Hall.

Instrumental lessons are available for pupils to develop their musicality and pursue graded examinations, as well as the opportunity to take GCSE’s, Btec’s and A levels in music and the Performing Arts. Please see individual schools’ website for detailed information about the courses available.

Part B: Extra-curricular music

Across our Multi-Academy, Severn Arts and Warwickshire music hubs support instrumental provision to enable pupils the chance to become proficient in their chosen instrument, through individual or small group settings. Instrumental lessons are charged according to each schools’ website with subsidies in place for particular circumstances (e.g pupil premium). Severn Arts, in addition, provide a Furthering Talent wider opportunities scheme for eligible pupils.

In addition to timetabled music curriculum time, pupils are encouraged to sing through Musical Praise sessions and through choral rehearsals. Each school provides it’s own rich timetable of extra-curricular musical groups, which include orchestra’s, bands, choirs, ukulele groups and recorder consorts. We support local communities by carol singing at Christmas time in local hospitals and care homes, as well as singing and performing in local events and occasions.

Part C: Musical experiences

Schools within our Lady of the Magnificat produce exciting and rewarding musical experiences for pupils to get involved with, such as school productions, concerts and shows. Celebration of the Word assemblies and regular masses at school or our local parishes, centre around our worshipful singing.

Musical performances are celebrated and encouraged, through events such as Young Voices and through partnerships with the Armonico Consort at The Royal Albert Hall. Across Worcestershire schools, the Arts Mac Showcase is an annual evening of live entertainment where each school performs to a large audience, held previously at The Stratford Playhouse, The Palace Theatre (Redditch) and The Artrix (Bromsgrove). Warwickshire schools enjoy a fruitful relationship with the music hub, benefitting from Warwickshire Sings and Rocksteady music bands; all promoting a rich and diverse musical ethos. Across the Multi-Academy, music trips take place all over Europe.

In the future

Our Multi-Academy aims to continue its excellent partnerships with Arts Award, Artsmark, Music Mark, Severn Arts and Warwickshire music hub in an aim to develop in our pupils a life-long appreciation of music. Musical careers will be signposted through learning in classroom and external experiences.

Further information

Worcestershire Music Education Hub | Severn Arts

Warwickshire Music Hub

The power of music to change lives - A National Plan for Music Education (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Model Music Curriculum